What Does Hinduism Say About Gambling?

Delving into the realm of religion and gambling might leave you brimming with questions, especially when it comes to faiths like Hinduism. As one of the world’s oldest religions, Hinduism has unique perspectives on activities such as gambling.

This blog will unravel the intricacies of this ancient faith’s outlook – from scriptures that mention gambling to its moral stance towards gamblers. Get ready for a captivating exploration of how Hinduism perceives betting and gaming.

Hinduism’s Perspective on Gambling

Hindu scriptures mention gambling and take a moral stance against it.

Scriptures that mention gambling

The Hindu scriptures, while not directly stating that gambling is immoral, provide us with some insights into its perceived nature. The Mahabharata, an epic revered in Hindu culture, narrates the downfall of a noble king because of his addiction to rolling dice.

This great Indian epic asserts that gambling can lead to severe consequences and ruin one’s life and reputation. Another ancient text, called the Rig Veda, mentions a dice game played by gods where they won cattle and wealth from each other.

While these instances do not frame gambling as sinful directly, they warn about its potential dangers and disasters it might bring upon.

Moral stance on gambling

Hinduism takes a moral stance on gambling, discouraging it rather than outrightly forbidding it. While the religion does not explicitly condemn gambling, it emphasizes the importance of living a righteous life based on dharma, which involves upholding moral values and doing what is right.

Hindu scriptures warn about the negative consequences of compulsive gambling on personal, family, and social life. In Hindu philosophy, gambling is seen as taking money from others and goes against the principle of charity.

Instead of relying on luck and shortcuts to gain wealth, Hinduism promotes hard work and giving back to society through acts of kindness and generosity.

The Consequences of Gambling in Hinduism

Gambling in Hinduism leads to disunity and dissensions among individuals.

Disunity and dissensions

Gambling in Hinduism can lead to disunity and dissensions among individuals and communities. The act of gambling often involves competition, with winners taking money from losers. This creates a sense of rivalry and conflict, as people become focused on their own self-interest rather than cooperative efforts for the greater good.

Ancient Indian texts warn about the negative consequences of compulsive gambling on personal, family, and social life. This is why Hinduism discourages excessive gambling and promotes unity based on moral values and righteous actions instead.

Belief in luck over hard work

Hinduism’s perspective on gambling reflects a belief in luck over hard work. In this religion, gambling is seen as a shortcut to gaining wealth, relying on chance rather than the effort one puts into their work.

While Hindu scriptures do not explicitly forbid gambling, they caution against its negative consequences and emphasize the importance of living a righteous life based on moral values and dharma.

Gambling goes against the principle of charity in Hinduism, as it involves taking money from others rather than giving back to the community. Therefore, while luck may tempt some to try their hand at gambling, Hindu teachings encourage individuals to focus on honest labor and ethical actions instead.

Depleting one’s wealth

Gambling can have severe consequences when it comes to depleting one’s wealth. In Hinduism, the belief is that wealth should be earned through hard work and righteous actions, rather than relying on luck or chance.

Engaging in gambling can lead to financial instability and loss, as it often involves risking money with uncertain outcomes. Ancient Indian texts caution against the habit of gambling, warning about its potential devastation on personal, family, and social life.

Instead of seeking quick riches through gambling, Hinduism encourages individuals to focus on leading a virtuous life based on dharma (moral values) and practicing charity towards others.

The Importance of Living a Righteous Life

Hinduism emphasizes charity as a way of life rather than gambling, which is believed to have negative karmic consequences.

Emphasizes charity rather than gambling

Hinduism places a strong emphasis on the importance of charity rather than gambling. In Hindu philosophy, the act of giving and helping others is considered virtuous and brings positive karma.

This means that Hindus believe in using their wealth for charitable purposes instead of relying on luck or chance through gambling. By practicing charity, individuals not only contribute to the welfare of society but also cultivate a sense of compassion and selflessness.

Ultimately, Hinduism encourages its followers to lead righteous lives based on principles such as dharma (moral duty) and ahimsa (non-violence), which prioritize acts of kindness over personal gain through gambling.

Negative karmic consequences

Engaging in gambling can have negative karmic consequences according to Hindu beliefs. Karma is the concept of cause and effect, where our actions have repercussions in this life or future lives.

When one participates in gambling, it often involves taking advantage of others’ losses for personal gain. This goes against the principle of serving humanity and practicing charity, which are important aspects of leading a righteous life in Hinduism.

Additionally, gambling is seen as relying on luck rather than hard work or merit, which can lead to an unbalanced understanding of achieving wealth and success. Therefore, from a spiritual perspective, Hinduism discourages engaging in activities like gambling that may result in negative karmic consequences over time.

Comparison with Other Religions

Hinduism’s stance on gambling differs from that of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism.

Views on gambling in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism have varying views on gambling. In Christianity, gambling is generally seen as a sin and discouraged due to the belief that it can lead to greed and addiction.

Islam strictly prohibits any form of gambling as it is considered haram (forbidden) according to Islamic law. Similarly, Judaism also discourages gambling because it can potentially lead to financial ruin and neglect of other responsibilities.

On the other hand, Buddhism takes a more moderate approach towards gambling. While not explicitly prohibited, Buddhists are encouraged to be mindful of their actions and consider the potential negative consequences of engaging in gambling activities.


Hinduism takes a cautious stance on gambling, advising against it due to its negative consequences. Although not explicitly condemned, the religion emphasizes living a righteous life based on dharma and discourages reliance on luck for wealth.

The importance of charity and the potential karmic consequences also play a role in shaping Hindu perspectives on gambling. Considering these factors, Hinduism encourages followers to prioritize moral values over engaging in this form of entertainment.


What does Hinduism say about gambling?

Hinduism’s stance on gambling is primarily rooted in its ancient scriptures like the Mahabharata. The religion generally discourages gambling as it is considered a vice and a sin. According to the Manu Smriti, another ancient text, gambling is one of the ten vices that arise from the love of pleasure. It is also considered a criminal offence, and kings are advised to punish those who engage in it. The text even goes as far as to say that gambling and betting lead to the destruction of kingdoms.

Are there any positive views about gambling in Hindu culture?

While Hinduism generally views gambling negatively, there are some exceptions. For instance, during the festival of Diwali, it is said that the Goddess Parvati played dice with Lord Shiva and decreed that Hindus should gamble on this day for good fortune. However, this should be done responsibly and after worshipping Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.

Does Karma have a role in gambling according to Hindu beliefs?

Yes, Hinduism teaches that your Karma, or deeds, directly influence any gains or losses from gambling. The concept of Dharma, which refers to moral and ethical duties, also plays a role. While Dharma doesn’t explicitly forbid gambling, it does emphasise living a virtuous and responsible life.

Are there different perspectives on gambling among other religions like Islam and Christianity?

Indeed, perspectives on gambling vary among religions. Unlike the moderate tolerance shown in Buddhism, both Christianity and Islam generally view all forms of gambling as sinful. Hinduism itself has a nuanced view, discouraging excessive gambling but allowing it in certain contexts like festivals.

What does ‘Mahabharata’ say about gambling?

The Mahabharata features a famous incident where Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava, loses everything, including his kingdom and wife Draupadi, in a game of dice against his cousins, the Kauravas. This episode serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of gambling, including the loss of wealth, respect, and relationships.

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