What Does Judaism Say About Gambling?

You might be an avid gambler, curious about whether your hobby sits well with your religious beliefs. Did you know that Judaism generally discourages gambling? This article will delve into the reasons behind this, exploring Jewish texts and moral teachings to provide a better understanding of Judaism’s stance on gambling.

Read on to uncover to answer to: What does Judaism say about gambling?

The Talmud’s View on Gambling

The Talmud prohibits earning a living through gambling and disqualifies gamblers as witnesses in Jewish law due to the negative effects on society.

Prohibition of earning a living through gambling

In Judaism, the core belief is to earn a living through honest and productive means. Gambling goes against these principles as it depends on chance rather than hard work or skills.

Jewish Law (Halacha) categorically discourages reliance on gambling for livelihood because of its unpredictable nature and potential for financial ruin. This prohibition conveys a clear message that earning money should not be based on mere luck but should involve efforts that contribute positively to society.

Another reason behind this prohibition is the risk of addiction associated with habitual gambling, which can lead to financial instability and destroy personal lives.

Disqualification as a witness in Jewish law

In Jewish law, engaging in gambling can lead to disqualification as a witness. This means that if someone is involved in gambling activities, their testimony may not be considered valid in legal matters.

It is believed that gambling indicates a lack of trustworthiness and moral integrity, making the person unfit to provide reliable testimony. Judaism places great importance on ethical conduct, and those who partake in gambling are seen as compromising these principles.

Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to avoid gambling if they want their credibility to remain intact within the Jewish community and legal proceedings.

Negative effects on society

Gambling has negative effects on society that cannot be ignored. It can lead to financial instability for individuals and their families, as excessive gambling often results in significant financial losses.

This can lead to increased levels of debt and even bankruptcy, affecting not only the individual gambler but also those around them. Moreover, gambling addiction is a real concern within society, including the Jewish community.

In fact, estimates suggest that a significant portion of compulsive gamblers are Jewish. This can have detrimental effects on relationships, mental health, and overall well-being. Additionally, gambling can contribute to social problems such as crime and corruption when individuals resort to illegal means to support their habit or recover their losses.

Attitudes towards Gambling in Judaism

Judaism holds a generally disapproving attitude towards gambling, with popular sentiment reflecting this stance.

Popular disapproval

Judaism holds a generally negative view towards gambling, and popular disapproval of this activity is widespread within the Jewish community. This disapproval stems from the belief that gambling involves excessive risk-taking, which can lead to addiction and financial ruin.

The emphasis in Judaism is on promoting self-control and responsible financial behavior, discouraging behaviors that may cause harm. While not all forms of gambling are universally prohibited within Judaism, it is important to consult with a religious authority for specific guidance on this issue.

Synagogue gambling for fundraising

Synagogue gambling for fundraising is a practice that is sometimes used within the Jewish community to raise funds for various causes. While Judaism generally discourages gambling, this particular form of fundraising is viewed differently.

The idea behind synagogue gambling for fundraising is that it allows members of the community to come together and support important initiatives while also having fun. It can be seen as a way to foster unity and camaraderie among community members, all while contributing to a worthy cause.

However, it’s important to note that not all forms of gambling are universally accepted within Judaism, and there may be different opinions among Jewish scholars on the practice of synagogue gambling for fundraising.

The Torah’s Perspective on Gambling

The Torah strongly condemns gambling as a disgust and abomination, emphasizing its negative impact on society.

Disgust and abomination

Judaism views gambling as a source of disgust and abomination. The Torah emphasizes that gambling can have negative consequences for individuals and society as a whole. It is believed that excessive risk-taking, which is associated with gambling, goes against the principles of self-control and financial responsibility taught in Judaism.

Gambling is seen as a behavior to be avoided, as it can lead to addiction, financial ruin, and harm to oneself and others. The teachings of Judaism caution against engaging in such activities due to their detrimental effects on individuals and society.

Negative impact on society

Gambling can have a negative impact on society, and this concern is shared within the Jewish community. Excessive gambling can lead to financial ruin for individuals and their families, causing a strain on social support systems.

It can also contribute to the growth of addiction rates, with estimates suggesting that a significant number of compulsive gamblers come from the Jewish population. This not only affects individuals but also has wider repercussions on the community as a whole.

Judaism emphasizes the importance of self-control and responsible behavior, encouraging individuals to avoid activities that may harm themselves or others. While opinions may vary within Judaism about specific forms of gambling, there is consensus about the need to prioritize societal well-being over excessive risk-taking.


Judaism strongly discourages gambling due to its potential for addiction and financial ruin. The Talmud prohibits earning a living through gambling and disqualifies gamblers as witnesses in Jewish law.

While there may be differing opinions among Jewish scholars, the focus remains on promoting financial responsibility and avoiding harmful behaviors. It is important to consult with a religious authority for specific guidance on this issue.


Can Jewish people participate in online betting according to Jewish law?

Jewish law does not explicitly prohibit gambling, but it does have reservations about the practice. According to the Mishnah in Sanhedrin, someone who “plays with dice” is barred from serving as a witness. There are varying opinions on this prohibition. One view suggests that the prohibition applies only to professional gamblers who have no other occupation. Another view posits that gambling is a form of thievery, as the losing party gives up their money against their will. The halachic permissibility of gambling depends on which of these views one subscribes to. If gambling is considered thievery, then it is prohibited at all times. If it’s seen as a frivolous pursuit, then occasional betting may be permitted.

What are the Talmudic views on gambling?

The Talmud does not have a positive view on gambling. It suggests that a person who gambles is barred from testifying because they contribute nothing useful to the world or because gambling is considered a form of thievery. The Rambam teaches that even types of gambling that are not strictly forbidden should be avoided as they produce no benefit to society and are a waste of time.

How does the position of Judaism on gambling impact witnessing in legal matters?

According to Jewish law, gamblers are disqualified from acting as kosher witnesses. This is based on the Mishnah in Sanhedrin 3:3, which states that gamblers cannot be considered valid legal witnesses. The rationale behind this varies, but it generally revolves around the idea that gambling is either a form of theft or a lack of commitment to doing real work.

Does the prohibition against gambling apply during Sabbath in Judaism?

While the sources did not specifically address this question, the general prohibitions against gambling in Jewish law would likely extend to the Sabbath, especially under Orthodox interpretations. Given that gambling is generally frowned upon, it would be reasonable to assume that these prohibitions would be in effect during the Sabbath as well.

Can I work in the gambling industry if I am Jewish?

The question of whether a Jewish person can work in the gambling industry is a complex one, rooted in various interpretations of Jewish law and ethics. According to the Mishnah in Sanhedrin, gamblers are disqualified from acting as kosher witnesses, which suggests a negative view of gambling within Jewish law.

The Talmud offers multiple perspectives: one view suggests that the prohibition applies only to professional gamblers who have no other occupation, while another view considers gambling a form of thievery.

The halachic (Jewish legal) permissibility of working in the gambling industry would likely depend on these interpretations. If gambling is considered thievery, then working in such an industry would be prohibited. If it’s seen as a frivolous pursuit, then the occasional bet may be permitted, but professional involvement in gambling could be problematic. Some authorities, like the late Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, have ruled that even buying lottery tickets is a form of stealing, while others have permitted lotteries, especially for charitable purposes.

Moreover, the Jewish tradition values hard work and rational thinking, and it generally discourages relying on luck or chance as a way of life. Therefore, working in the gambling industry could be seen as conflicting with these values.

In summary, while Jewish law does not explicitly prohibit working in the gambling industry, the ethical and moral implications of such a career choice would need to be carefully considered in light of Jewish teachings. It would be advisable to consult with a knowledgeable rabbi for personalised guidance.

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